
Gmail Whitelisting

Sometimes Gmail mistakenly identifies an email as spam. If you haven’t seen an email from us in a while, please check your Gmail Spam Folder.

Here are some steps you can take to ensure you’re receiving emails from Lawline:

Create a Filter

  1. Locate the Lawline email in Gmail spam
  2. Open the email
  3. Click 'Dots' button on the top right, to reveal your choices.
  4. Click Filter messages like this

  5. Click the button Create filter to open your settings.
  6. From the next menu, please check these options

  7. Under the "Categorize as: Choose Category..."
      Click the dropdown icon next to "Choose Category..."
      Please select Primary in the next options menu.

    Click the blue Create filter button, to save your settings

    Now you will always see Lawline in your Primary Inbox tab!

    If the email remains open, please mark the email as "Not spam"
      If you see an email from Lawline in your spam folder, please open the email
      Click the button on the alert, labeled Report Not spam

    Why is this message in spam? It is similar to messages that were identified as spam in the past.

    Report not spam

Have questions? Lawline is here to help.

Call 1-877-518-0660 or email us at support@lawline.com.